Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's the Little Things

This week I have had some moments that have made me light up...and after sleeping on an air mattress in our living room, and living out of our garage for a week I want to shout from the mountain tops how great today is. We have the first visible sign of floors and....drum roll please a kitchen back splash! Just a few sneak peek pictures hopefully later this week we will have a much more finished version of his house!

It's only one room, but the Chesnut floors do wonders to make the space more modern!

Red is handy. That's a given. Coming home to this glass back splash was an awesome end to a long, long, long field day! 

A close up. Still needs grout and to be cleaned up, but not a bad start!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Camping Out...I Mean In

Well it is the point in our rehab were we had planned to be moved out and in to our semi finished, still under construction home. However due to Memorial Day weekend our wood floors put on how did we spend Memorial Day weekend you might this...

Yes that is a picture of me and Red camping in our unfinished living room...using a quilt as a curtain...and sleeping between saw horses. I keep reminding myself this is the only time in our lives that this would be an option so we have to make lemonade from lemons ( I would prefer to make margaritas from limes, but this pregnancy has put a damper on that :) This turned out to be the best option for us since our basement looked like this...

So instead we spent our night doing this...

While we camped out in our garage, watching The Munsters no less. There were big changes happening inside. A few projects that got finished this weekend! A little before and afters to help you keep point of view.


Midway: A little different perspective


Midway: New trim, new light fixture, new paint, floors sanded, makes for a whole new look. 


 Midway: painted trims, textured ceilings, whitewashed fireplace, floors sanded, window trim waiting for another coat of paint! 

Midway: I don't have a before of this would have been a picture of a wall and that would have been weird, but the midway picture is too good not to share at this point! 

Midway: Some crown molding, homemade counter tops from an old church's support beams, can lights and a fresh coat of paint and we are on our way. It's hard to believe that at one time this room had 3 different types of patterned wallpaper, 5 layers of linoleum flooring and a large florescent box light. See before picture for reminder. This place is almost the kind of room. I would like to prepare meals for my family in. Waiting patiently (let's be honest my patient days ended when I started sleeping on the kitchen floor) 
for the cork floors to go in to finish this space. 

Midway: I know we haven't talked about the counters yet, but this is a sneak peak of what they look like...I'm kind of in love with them. The kitchen is still a work in progress the wood counter tops have been coated and we are ready to put up some back splash. I will post a more in depth post on the poly coat process. Once it is all done. 

 Before: Looking into the old dining room from the kitchen. 

 Midway: Still a little sketchy looking. Once we get those doors hung and floors finished this room will be ready to roll. It probably wouldn't help to get the floors sanded, so we can add a desk soon, so that we can stop having to hang our internet cables over the window like we live down by the river. But what can I say this girl has to have her internet connection! 


Midway: Still need trim and the counter top installed. After a battle back and forth with our neighborhood lumber store giant tonight I think that we are all on the same page about a sink that we ordered, that should have arrived yesterday...that is still MIA. Hopefully it finds it's way home to us soon! 


Midway: I am already feeling much better about putting Little V in here...It probably helps that it no longer  has a piece of plywood standing in as its window. I started a ceiling fan makeover yesterday that should help to make this room seem a little softer, still waiting for the paint to dry to see how that gem turned out. However in the mean time I will take this room, that only needs a little trim, some stain and some covers! 


Midway: I wish touch screen computers allowed you to feel the difference. This room is completely smooth. Any trace of the crimes against condiments that took place here in this houses past life are gone! 


Midway: This dingy and dark master bedroom is almost complete. (How it is possible to take out a window and make a room brighter all at once I will never understand!) After today's sanding you can barely tell that there was industrial grade carpet glued straight to these hardwood floors!

I didn't manage to get a picture of the master bath yet. I figure that can wait until it isn't the only sink in our house. Which makes it automatically our kitchen sink and bathroom all at once...yep wrap your mind around that! 

Tomorrow I should have some updates with stain and at least 1 coat of poly! So excited! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Everything and One, Looks Better with a Crown

As my dear friend the Lady R, the Queen of Everything says, there is just something about a crown. And our cabinets were no exception. When we bought Sad Yellow the cabinets were off white, from the loving that only many years of cigarette smoke can do. They had too many coats of paint and the knobs were mismatched and oddly placed. As much as we wanted to run to Ilea and gut the kitchen ( we do have an Ikea opening here next Summer woohoo!) that wasn't going to happen. An update was just what the doctor called for. Below I've added some horrible befores and some of Reds work along the way. For a house tour stop here.  We still have a ways to go, but my the process we have made! Like all of my posts so far this is definitely a major IN PROGRESS post...but it makes me excited to share a final draft some day soon!

Keep an eye out for Reds counter tops. More on them later!

Life With a Hot Tin Roof

Ok so technically it is galvanized steel, but our love of tin ceilings is what started this whole thing. However at $20 a sq ft ( Not in our teacher budget!) that was not happening! So we stumbled upon the picture below. Don't you just love Pinterest. After some planning, 2 trips to Lowe's and some creative measuring later we have a rock star finished project! I can't wait to get the walls painted and see this room come together, but here is a sneak peak!

I will be posting new pictures soon! Hopefully this will be finished by the end of the week!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Let the Count Down Begin!

We are two, count them TWO weeks from move in! So much has happened in the last few weeks. Red keeps saying all the real changes happen this week and next and I couldn't be more excited! Here are a few pictures from the project. I will post some captions later this week!