Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Warming Our Home, and Our Hearts

For me fireplaces symbolize home. When we were house hunting I wouldn't even consider a house that didn't have a fireplace...no matter how beat up, sad and bizarre it looked. This weekends project was to clean the fireplace...gross, white wash the fireplace, spray the brass grill, and paint the mantle. So far I'm pretty pleased. Soon I will be taking off the blue paint and withing 2 weeks (fingers crossed) we will be ready to decorate this home! But until then here are some fireplace pictures!

 Now that the screen was clean and painted it was time to white wash that fireplace!

Not a fan of this photo that Red snapped.

 And to replace the CRAZY mantel, full of adult beverage caps, Red built us a new one!

Yep, that is GiGi...sitting on our mantel sanding it...you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl!

Now for our first "finished picture"! I'm sure that there will be a lot of revisions over the next few months, but here is our first draft!