Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sledge-Hammer Time

Well we were home owners for approximately 3 hours before Red went crazy with a sledge hammer. Here are some pictures from demo day part one!

Step One: Demo walls!
This would be a the wall that separates our future dining room from our current hearth room. After further inspection the paneling was very thick, a great quality, and not backed by drywall...so it looks like 3 of those walls are staying paneled...for now.

Ahhh! Much better. This would be that open feeling Brian was talking about I could already start to feel it happening. After consulting with our contractor we were ready for him to take out the 2x4 s and open the space up even more. More pictures to come. 

Step Two: Remove weird wall that serves absolutely no purpose, and makes your home look like a prison. Check!

Yep! That is a picture of Red using a door as a straight edge. Yes the line is ridiculously straight! How he does it I will never know! I can't even use a ruler to cut a straight line. I hope that Little V gets his line cutting skills. 
Ta Da! I will post more pictures when the space is a little more polished. 

Yes and that is me in a puffy vest, and furry boots. I was really in the demolition mood that day!