Thursday, July 18, 2013

There's No Place Like Home!

So after some "encouraging" from a dear eccentric friend :) I've updated where we were as of a few weeks ago. Since these pictures I have gone on several decorating rampages! I'll blame it on the nesting. We now have much more art, a RUG and I may have bullied Red into painting our master bedroom a color that closely resembles a peacock...I will post some before and after pictures of that soon!


A slight change to the nook...still deciding if this is the color scheme we want to go.


This is that new rug I was talking about in the living room...for some reason this is was one of the only picture I had of this new rug! As you can tell Red approved. I'll work to get a picture of it without Red covering half of it! (Done!)





I needed a picture and Red was working (under Barkley's watchful eye)! This is a house that we live in so I took the picture with him in it! Oh well! Ha!


It was quite the process getting just the right balance of colors (according to my deranged perception of just how much pink a little girls room should have...)

With some tweaking:

The guest room, much better without it's Jackson Pollock inspiration! We now have a place for GiGi, Poppa and whoever else wants to come visit to stay! Yahoo! 

On to the master bedroom. This color looks much more royal in real life, and that's the best part I get to see it in real life everyday! It feels like a warm cozy retreat! after several color attempts this is my absolute favorite! We are still working on tweaking the bedding, spraying our wrought iron door headboard and reattaching a vent...but it is already a place I want to curl up and escape to! Which is probably good since once little girl arrives I will never, never, be going anywhere again...just kidding...probably only kind of! 

Finally there is our master bathroom. We have come a long way from duct tape grout. We still have to decide on a color for the accent wall (hence the blue painter's tape). Yellow would make the most sense since it does have a grey and yellow shower curtain...however, there is just something about a yellow wall in a restroom that grosses me out...hmmm. Still brainstorming. I am so glad that Red talked me into redoing this room! The bathtub has been used a TON and I can only imagine the renovators remorse I would have had if I had skipped this step! 

And that is where we are for now! There are a million little projects here and there. Quite a bit of tiling and grouting to be done and a little landscaping to really make it start feeling like a home and not a construction site, but so far the Rehab has absolutely turned into a fairy tale destination for me! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Now We're Cooking with Oil...Almost

The day has come we have appliances. We have a fridge and a stove and the hood is sitting in a box in our garage. If it weren't for my deep love of deep fried food which a emits smoke, grease and delicious scents that permiate all surfaces I would be half tempted to fry up some bacon this afternoon. Lets face it a house isn't a home until you've cooked bacon there...right!?!? Some pictures of our semi finished kitchen! We are currently missing cabinet doors, but we are pretty darn close!

Yep that is a brilliant blue gas oven! 

This dishwasher is 48db. I didn't really even know what that meant when we were looking, but as we started running our dishwasher and I struggled to know if it was even on. This thing is almost silent! In home that is short a few walls after our renovation and awaiting the arrival of Little V, this is a good thing!

Maybe a before will help jog your memory! My how far we have come!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hush Little Baby!

So preparing for Little V has been quite the experience. In most times I would be focused on building a little nest for the little chick-a-dee, but since construction is happening everywhere it has been delayed. Here are a few before and in process pictures. Hopefully, we will have pictures of a semi finalized picture later this week!


In Progress:

That would be Red tracing 100 homemade stencils on the wall. He already loves little girl, SO much! 

Day 2 Red decided to break his stencils into a couple of small chunks, over a couple of days. 

Can you tell that he is super excited about his next few days of work! He may need a hand brace by the time he is done, but we will have one spiffy looking room!  

We have a crib! It's funny how the color of the walls range from a periwinkle to a lavender. In person it is a lot more gray! But the best part is that I love it at all stages! 

Besides the tedious, time consuming, beautiful Moroccan stencil the closet was our next big task! I wanted something that made the closet look like a great little display. Here was our before closet:

Red thought this was a task that even I could handle...I didn't realize he was taking pictures of his hot, cranky  30 week pregnant wife, but I'm sure some day I'll be glad he documented this...maybe. 

I absolutely love this HGTV Fabric pattern that we found at JoAnn's! It pulled together all of the colors we loved, introducing some pink, without it looking to prissy and foo foo! 

This is our next little process. Once our floors are clean and have been wiped down for the 10th time it will be time to lay down the rug that is pictured above! I am so excited to introduce this super soft sweet texture to the classroom. This is the carpet we picked out: 

I can't wait to see what this looks like when it all comes together!