Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Now We're Cooking with Oil...Almost

The day has come we have appliances. We have a fridge and a stove and the hood is sitting in a box in our garage. If it weren't for my deep love of deep fried food which a emits smoke, grease and delicious scents that permiate all surfaces I would be half tempted to fry up some bacon this afternoon. Lets face it a house isn't a home until you've cooked bacon there...right!?!? Some pictures of our semi finished kitchen! We are currently missing cabinet doors, but we are pretty darn close!

Yep that is a brilliant blue gas oven! 

This dishwasher is 48db. I didn't really even know what that meant when we were looking, but as we started running our dishwasher and I struggled to know if it was even on. This thing is almost silent! In home that is short a few walls after our renovation and awaiting the arrival of Little V, this is a good thing!

Maybe a before will help jog your memory! My how far we have come!

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